this page is dedicated to links i've compiled
throughout my journey on the outerweb. i hope you find
something useful or entertaining. < 3

The Geocities Gallery - a giant archive of 1990s-2000s geocities websites, sorted by neighbourhood

The Eternal Jukebox - play your favorite song forever and ever

Old'a Vista - the most powerful guide to the old internet

Board Reader - search for forums based on your interests

Gifcities - extracted gifs from old geocities websites - metaphysics, spirituality, conspiracy, the matrix

The Anarchist Library - an archive of anarchist texts

Lost Girls - tragically doomed women and their life stories

Internet K-Hole - an archive of old found photographic film

404 Page Found - active vintage webpages and web 1.0

Death Generator - generate fake screenshots from games

Please Kill Me - articles about alternative music, art, culture, fashion, poetry and movies from the 60s to today

Net Goth - a site with profiles of early 00's goths from the UK

Hypnagogic Archive - another archive of old web blog posts, videos, etc

Netiquette Guidelines - a textfile from 1995 detailing internet etiquette

The Old School PC Font Resource - use old school PC fonts

Brutality on the Net - abandoned 00's webpage, with links to punk, black/death metal bands, old webzines and other oddities

Music Moz - a comprehensive directory of all things music

The Old Net - go backwards in time and browse the web

Web Sleuths - a forum dedicated to discussing all aspects of true crime and solving cold cases

Dubolt - search an artist for a tracklist of songs of similar genres

Music Map - search an artist and find similar artists on a map

Gnod - type 3 of your favorite artists and be suggested similar artists

MagicPlaylist - type in your favorite song and be given a playlist based on it

FutureMe - write an email to your future self

Survivor Library - a collection of pdfs for survivors

Nico's Fractal Machine - create a never-ending geometric pattern

98.js - use windows 98 on your desktop

W3schools - learn how to code

Similar Minds - a bunch of personality tests

The Fifth Nail Exposed - the blog of serial killer joseph duncan

Old Computers - a collection of old computers and information about them

Text Files - an archive of old text files

Twilit Grotto - archives of western esotericism

Faces of Suicide - a page denoting people who have committed suicide

Totse - all sorts of information and viewpoints

Altexxanet - a site which provides a glimpse into the internet in the 90's

What Should I Read Next? - type the name of a book you enjoy to find others you may like

Telehack - a text-based game that simulates 80s + early 90s BBS

Old Computer Museum - a collection of old computers

Occultopedia - an encylopedia for the occult

The Simulator - a life simulator from '97

Winamp Skin Museum - old winamp skins

Memory of the World Library - an archive of pdfs

Oocities - another geocities mirror

Low Tech Magazine - a solar powered website dedicated to the potential of forgotten technologies and how they can inform sustainable energy practices

Mystic Symbolic Cluster - generate art using mystic symbolism

v86 - emulate operating systems on a desktop

Web Design Museum - web design trends from the 90's to 00's

Soulseek - P2P file sharing network

Oldversion - download older versions of various software

LittleSis - a database of connections between the world's most powerful people and organizations - js browser emulator, browse archives + the live web

Infinite Mac - an emulator collection of old Macintosh system releases

PCjs Machines - IBM PC js emulator, hardware and software from the 70's-80's

The Phrontistery - a website of obscure words and vocabulary resources

Gameboy Selfie - take pictures with a gameboy camera

See Me Rot - a defunct website that hosted 'live coffin cams'

Death and Hell - an occult website littered with absurd imagery: a man named Infek bin Laden departs this world, leaving in his wake the 'Keys of Death and Hell'

Wiby - a search engine that compiles websites from the internet's infancy (web 1.0 - 2.0), before it's commercialization and the advent of javascript, allowing old computers to surf the web effectively

Icon Hell - old AOL buddy icons

VertexMeadow - best described by the site itself.. "a tool that renders 2D images as explorable 3D terrain, with it you can create detailed and unusual 3D environments to explore using a 2D paint-program-like interface" - explore entire videogame maps from your browser

The Ransomizer - turns your text into a ransom note

Inspiral - create geometric patterns with a spirograph from your browser

The Curious Dreamer - an online dream dictionary

Ouija Board - need answers? consult an online ouija board

myPhysicsLab - a bunch of interactable physics simulations

Visual Phenomena & Optical Illusions - a selection of 152 interactable optical illusions

ShareDigger - a file search engine, search for specific files across multiple file hosts

Cloud Appreciation Society - a website dedicated to the cloudspotters and cloud infatuated - remote viewing tests, how developed is your psi?

STARGATE files - an archive of all CIA unclassified Stargate files

Psychic Experiences - read about other peoples psychic experiences and submit your own

Oldskoolizer - a browser extension that transforms your web surfing experience into an 8bit 90's haven
